Meowr! Look at the new card deck Celestia made! She’s giving advice like it’s free–because it is, and she likes to talk! So go pick a card and see what advice she gives you today–you might be surprised at how connected she is.
She’s got incense burning and lute music playing, so I think she’s ready to read.

Celestia has informed me that her daily card draw is finally live on the site, and she wanted me to spread the word–and wants you to check it out. I played around with the cards, and it was fun, but when there were no treats involved, I stopped.
She said more cards will be added as the site moves through beta testing, so come back and pick a card as often as you like! There is no telling what advice the mystical feline will give you (but she won’t give you treats).
I’m modeling on several cards, as you might expect since I am so handsome, but my siblings are on a few cards–and there are a few surprises, too. You just never know who you might get a daily thought from.
Here is the link (you can also get to the card page any time you visit the site via the menu up at the top) CELESTIA’S CARD OF THE DAY
Remember, it’s in beta so there are probably some boo-boos, but the team is working on it. Please let me know if you spot something weird, or have suggestions or comments.
If you have time, vote here after to pick a card:
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