Once upon a time in the 80s there was a band, whose members stole the hearts of many a young girl.
With their guyliner, unique fashion and music that struck through the heart, Duran Duran changed how we hear and see music. Today nine hot romance authors bring you stories inspired by their music. From the contemporary romance of fashion, technology, films and resort vacations to post-apocalyptic romance of assassins and prisons to another world of inter-species attractions, and paranormal tales of vampires and werewolves, these stories celebrate the genre-changing music.
The passion takes place at the New Moon on Monday
A man dreams of an extraordinary love
hoping his dreams can survive in an ordinary world.
Only music and passion can satisfy her hunger for the past.
Love wasn’t as complicated before the rain.
Even at the end of the world, no prison can hold these wild boys!
Not even the immortal are immune to the voodoo of love.
Find redemption in the Union of the Snake.
Some people can’t tell the difference between real life and reel life.
He never expected to find paradise in her arms…