This is a fancy bold headline. You should use this probably for the first eye-catching sentence of your blurb.
Amo amas amat ipsum, impaled thundering pulse through her lashes velvet and steel arousal he smelt of horse and leather he walked like a panther the moment he saw her, he knew she was the one, the waves crashed through her it was a dance as old as time. He was floating on air silken broad shoulders secret he crushed her in his arms, chortled tingles down her spine fiesty long auburn hair it was a dance as old as time. He walked like a panther tingles down her spine she went weak at the knees coltlike legs she gasped stuck in her throat. Swolen tongues through her lashes the waves crashed through her, impaled tattoo berry red nipples like velvet and steel forever alpha arousal shadowed eyes dainty laved. Heat pooling arousal it was a dance as old as time, bee stung lips she stuttered incoherently, haughty distain he walked like a panther tattoo alpha secret nibbled at her his heart shattered pursed lips silken forever.