Today, I am hosting Aubrie Dionne, author of HAVEN 6, and the other books in the NEW DAWN series from Entangled Publishing (PARADISE 21, TUNDRA 37, and A HERO RISING). I have had the privilege of working with Aubrie for over a year now and I can tell you that she is a wonderful person, inside and out. I can always count on her to deliver a fun story with compelling characters and a deep theme. If you haven’t read this series, I urge you to pick it up!
Thanks so much, Aubrie, for stopping by! Please make sure you enter to win the gorgeous necklace Aubrie is giving away!
A product of an illegal pairing, Eridani is the only woman without a lifemate aboard the colonization ship, the Heritage, and she is determined her less than perfect DNA will not get in the way of finding love. As the ship nears its final destination of Haven 6 after five hundred years of travel, images of the surface show evidence of intelligent life on a planet that’s supposed to be uninhabited. Commander Grier assigns Eri to the exploratory team to spy on the alien society and return with information on how to defeat them.
When Eri’s team lands, tribes of humans attack and Eri is saved by Striver, the descendant of a colonist and a pirate from Old Earth’s colonization efforts in other parts of the galaxy. Striver helps Eri rescue her team and they are drawn to each other despite their different allegiances. While Striver battles with trusting Eri, Eri must decide whether to warn him and his people about the commander’s intentions, or follow orders and complete her mission.
Who is the big monster in Haven 6?
If you read any of the New Dawn series, you know every book had a “big monster” that gets in the way of the main protagonists:
The zombies in A Hero Rising…
The sandworms and the desert cows in Paradise 21…
The alien mammoths in Tundra 37…
So the big question is: what’s the big monster in Haven 6!!!
Each monster is a product of their environments. The zombies came from man’s overuse of natural resources. The sandworms evolved in a desert, using the sand to navigate and prey while the desert cows used their trunks to store water. The alien mammoths evolved from an ice world and used their tentacle-like hair to grasp prey and keep them warm.
So, for Haven 6, I wanted a hairy jungle monster able to live in the swampy environment- kind of like the same planet Yoda lived on in Star Wars. This monster had to humongous, dangerous, and hairy, while at the same time make sense with the planet so it wasn’t ridiculous. It had to get in the way of my protagonists, and find a way to tie in with the story of the mysterious golden liquid. It also had to have a weak spot so they could beat it.
The monster I came up with is big and hairy all right! But, you’ll have to read Haven 6 to find out what it is!
Aubrie Dionne is an author and flutist in New England. Her writings have appeared in Mindflights, Niteblade, Silver Blade, Emerald Tales, Hazard Cat, Moon Drenched Fables, A Fly in Amber, and Aurora Wolf. Her books are published by Entangled Publishing, Lyrical Press, and Gypsy Shadow Publishing. She recently signed her YA sci fi novel with Inkspell Publishing titled: Colonization: Paradise Reclaimed, which will release in November 2012. When she’s not writing, Aubrie teaches flute and plays in orchestras. She’s a big Star Trek TNG fan, as well as Star Wars and Serenity.
Thank you, Aubrie!
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Oh I’m excited to read a new Science fiction book. I’ve been reading a couple from Jacquelyn Frank this past few weeks. I love the Symphony Aubrie and I’m sure your a great flutist.
I wish you the best on your career in writing.
Teresa K.
Thank you for hosting me today! 🙂