Last night, I attended the Raleigh/Durham branch of the Lady Jane’s Salon to hear readings by three fabulous authors: Becky Moore, who read from Guardian Angel; Marcia Colette, who read from Hazardous Environment; and Catherine Gayle, who read from Twice a Rake. I really enjoyed hearing books read aloud–what a great opportunity to hear how writing sounds in the writer’s own voice? (and how do you punctuate that… ) So cool to hear what the writer expected the sentences to sound like. Very nice!
And Marcia’s karaoke wasn’t so bad, either. Give that girl a mic. Be afraid.
The salon is held in a nice little pub–we met in a separate room. Great pub fare (I had fish and chips). Hey, pints were $4. Too bad I was driving. Next time, I plan to arrange a ride so I can have a pint.
I met lots of awesome peeps! Valerie! Becky! Dominique! Marcia! Mari!
I hope these types of readings spread–and I hope, as authors, if you get the chance to do a reading–you will! It really is an amazing way for the reader to look inside your book.

The next Lady Jane’s Salon will be February 29th! I hope some of you can make it! (I will be at Hermit Week…) Click on the postcard to link to the Lady Jane’s site:
The only thing missing was a thumpin’ beat and I would’ve been dancing on the tables. LOL! 🙂
Thanks for making it out, Kerry. I’m glad that you had a great time and hope to see you again next month.